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National Electrical Code Articles and Information

NEC Quiz: Article 422, Part 1

by Mark Lamendola

Quiz Questions

Code Quiz: Article 422, Part 1

Based on the 2017 NEC

Questions and answers written by Mark Lamendola, who has worked as a master electrician, electrical inspector, and design engineer. Mark is an IEEE Senior Member, and the Code article author for Since 1996, he has been writing National Electrical Code articles for electrical trade magazines and has an extensive portfolio of hundreds of NEC articles.

Article 422 provides the requirements for electrical appliances used in any occupancy, whether residential, commercial, or industrial.

  1. If one appliance has no motor and another has a motor, which Article for sure applies to the second one but not the first? If the second appliance has a hermetic refrigerant compressor, which Article will also apply to it but not to the first appliance and not to a motorized appliance that doesn't have such a compressor?

  2. Your company lets a vendor install vending machines in the break room. The HR manager wants to know if there's anything special needed, electrically speaking. Your answer would be what?
  3. What's the minimum branch circuit size for a given appliance?
  4. How many branch circuits can you supply to central heating equipment other than fixed electric space-heating equipment?
  5. What are the length requirements for the flexible cord to a built-in dishwasher?

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