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National Electrical Code Articles and Information

NEC Quiz: Article 80

by Mark Lamendola

Quiz Questions

Code Quiz: Article 80 (Annex H)

Based on the 2020 NEC

Questions and answers written by Mark Lamendola, who has worked as a master electrician, electrical inspector, and design engineer. Mark is an IEEE Senior Member, and the Code article author for Since 1996, he has been writing National Electrical Code articles for electrical trade magazines and has an extensive portfolio of hundreds of NEC articles..

1.      What are the five functions of the NEC?

2.      In what way do definitions in Article 80 definitions differ from those in Article 100?

3.      What three categories of application does the NEC cover?

4.      How does a Code violation affect the occupancy of a new installation?

5.      How does a Code violation affect the occupancy of an existing installation?

6.      Who administers and enforces the NEC?

7.      Who has authority to require disconnecting the supply to a building, and on what basis?

8.      Whom may the AHJ draw upon to assist with enforcing the Code?

9.      When can an inspection occur?

10.    There's a time when you must you request an inspection--when is that?

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